Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Joy, August 19, 2009

Joy is:

Spending one-on-one time with my cousin and asking and listening for the first time to his wisdom as a parent. Something I can’t remember doing … ever.

Joy is asking him what he thinks his mother did well and discovering that I am developing a vision for my single-motherhood.

Having one child, all to myself for 20 minutes, while in the grocery store. I listen and laugh with her. In her space I explore and marvel at who she is.

Knowing that in his loss, I see my children clearer than I ever have…and I like them!

Not being able to choose when asked “Mom, if you had to give one of us away, who would you choose?” If I had been asked that question 17 minutes before, I would have had a definite answer.

Finding myself at month four and not realizing it’s month four till eight o’clock at night.

Wanting to be held by a man, to feel the masculinity surround me and to get past the moment and realize I want a man in my life but I don’t NEED one in my life.

Listening to Whitney Houston’s Step-by-Step and for once not blubbering while I sing along.

Remembering to set the table for four, not five and not crying about it.

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