Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Life Threatening

Back at Cedars today. (Cedar Sinai Cancer Center is where Art will be treated.) One blood test later, we discover that Art's white cell count is dangerously low. I may have to give him Nuprigen (sp) shots while we are at home. Nuprigen stimulates white blood cell growth.

Art has lost 16 pounds since August 28.

Words today, lots and lots of words. "Did your HMO do....?" Usually followed by a "No." Nuprigen, CHOP, Retuxan, life threateniong, CHOP 14, Epigen, Adriamysn, ANC #, life threatening, intrathecal, decodron, antiamedics, chemo starts Sept. 25, life threatening, no travel at Christmas, life threatening, stem cell transplantation, bacteria, germs, protein, shakes, doses 3x week, transfusion, newlasta, radiation, life threatening, shaking, not above 100.5, day 6.

I wanted him to stop saying life threatening. Every time he said it, it took 30 minutes of sleep away from me. Couldn't he have used "really bad" or "not so well?" How about "life threatening" only once? It feels like every tiny little germ is out to get Art and my big clumsy hands are ill equipped to protect him. By the time I left, I was vowing to stay awake to make sure Art kept breathing!

On another note....chemo dates have been set. September 25, five days on. One week off, then five days on. They will do intrathecal as well as regular chemo -- meaning they will inject chemo into his spine to make sure that any wily cancer guys are not in the spine waiting to emerge later after chemo is done. Last round will be week of Dec. 4th. I typed that date earlier tonight in a different email and started to cry. December 4th -- it's so far away. How on earth are we going to get there from here?


  1. Anonymous2:39 PM

    One day at a time. One breath at a time. One shot, one medication, one second at a time.

  2. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Hang in there guys!!!! We are here for anything you need!! The kids, groceries, strength....don't be afraid to ask!!! Can't keep the tears from pouring down my face everytime I read your updates! I check this thing every day....five times a day for info. Call me if you need me! Lots of love,

    Lori (your neighbor)

  3. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Hi Kim and Art and kids,
    Just got your email today and came immediately to read the blog. I am so shocked and very scared as I know you are. Your blog is so strong and enlightens us all--I hope it helps you to put it all out there. Please know I will be thinking of you every day and I am available to come up for the day at ANY time. Just let me know if I can be of help at all. I could also take the kids down here for a weekend or a day to give you a much needed break. Please let me know if I can help at all--including giving me a call to talk, rant, rave, cry--my shoulder is good even by phone. Love and much strength and prayers to you all--I will be praying for you. Keep in touch (I'll be reading th blog often). Love, Sky
